A poem for this winter’s day

A poem for this winter's day

No sky
no earth – but still,
snowflakes fall
~ Hashin

Photo credit:  ChaoticMind75 Creative Commons

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2 responses to “A poem for this winter’s day”

  1. Empty handed I entered the world. Barefoot I leave it.
    My coming, my going – Two simple happenings that got entangled.

  2. Barbara says:

    Beautiful, Noel. And here’s how his jisei, or traditional death poem, came to be:

    Kozan Ichikyo, died February 12, 1360, at 77. A few days before his death, he called his pupils together, ordered them to bury him without ceremony, forbidding them to hold services in his memory. After writing this poem on the morning of his death, he lay down his brush and died sitting upright.

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