It was a very risky idea, given how much he wanted Beats headphones ($200 headphones for a kid?) and a Wii. But this past week I gave my tween-age son his holiday present, choosing to surprise him with the gift of an experience over a thing. Here’s what came out of his 5-day art class […]
Tags: art, family, gifts, holiday, inspiration, life, stories
Having neither spectacular accomplishments nor grave misfortunes to report, and, to be honest, having exhausted the vein of humorous family anecdotes over the years, I will tell you instead that we are all well and fine, and hope that you are too.
Tags: family, friendship, holiday
I think it’s the perfect gift for the holidays. But how will my son react when he finds out where I’ll be sending him for the next five days? Recently I took a cold, hard look around our NYC apartment to assess the cause of its great untidiness. I discovered that the Chief Clutter Culprits […]
Tags: art, Center for the New American Dream, creativity, family, gifts, holiday, inspiration, life, mother, Simplify the Holidays Challenge
Ah, Black Friday. The most ironic holiday of the year! Shopping list in hand, sharp elbows at the ready — this is the day we beat back our fellow man in the quest for that perfect holiday gift for our loved ones. Coming at the heels of Thanksgiving, it’s hard to imagine a faster way […]
Tags: Black Friday, family, friendship, holiday, National Day of Listening, stories, story, StoryCorps, Studs Terkel, Thanksgiving