Amma, otherwise known as the “Hugging Saint,” is an Indian woman — a divine spirit by some accounts — who is said to have the power to transmit a spark of unconditional love and compassion through her embrace. People came from all around the country to stand in line to see her; surely I could travel 40 blocks.
Tags: Amma, belief, contemplation, family, hug, journey, life, reflection, religion, Rubin Museum, true stories
There should be a rule against writing about meditation retreats immediately after they’re over. In those first hours and days post-retreat, it’s as if I’m experiencing the world through a fresh set of eyes. The cosmos have aligned. Nothing could be a problem. It also smacks of a certain smugness.
Tags: awareness, contemplation, family, Forest Refuge, hope, Insight Meditation Society, Jack Kornfield, journey, meditation, mindfulness, mortality, Remember that you will die, Rubin Museum, wisdom