An obsession with everything electronic had seeped into our home and claimed hours of our lives. I wanted my husband, my kids and my old self back, and getting rid of the TV was a symbolic step. On the day before Hurricane Sandy’s arrival, my husband, a neighbor and I hoisted our cumbersome 1990’s-era TV […]
Tags: children, Hurricane Sandy, parenting, tv, unplugging
The closest my children ever came to understanding life in a refugee camp was the Thanksgiving we hosted a college student who had grown up in one. Senia was studying to become a doctor so she could someday bring much-needed medical skills back to her home – an isolated Sahrawi refugee camp in the harsh […]
Tags: education, Half the sky, parenting, travel
“To all the parents in the room — really, this is important for everyone — any child who feels they have been truly loved, even by just one person, will develop tremendous confidence.”
Tags: Aung San Suu Kyi, discipline, love, parenting, rest
I’ve been practicing deep listening this week. I find it challenging enough to simply stop what I’m doing and turn around to face my kids when they’re trying to tell me something. In the grocery store, I even noticed that it’s entirely possible to walk in, navigate the aisles, stand in the check out line, swipe my credit card, pick up my bags and leave without ever so much as looking someone in the eye or saying a word. It’s a soul-numbing experience, and I don’t recommend it.
Tags: illness, listening, parenting, Zen
I spent the past couple of days noting how often my children laugh. They’re awesome at it (most of the time). Giggles turn into cracking up, which turns into unstoppable belly laughs. And just when you think they’re done, it starts all over again. I want to recapture this sense of lightness. I want to be amazed by subtlety, and to be reminded not to take this waning life too seriously.
Tags: awareness, being present, belonging, comedy, connection, family, gratitude, hope, humor, laughter, mortality, parenting, relationships, smile