We all have some form of magical thinking when it comes to dying. It’s how we attempt to gain control over our fears. My particular brand of magical thinking is that if you eat well, exercise and meditate, you will most likely have a long and healthy life. I know this is not entirely rational…
Tags: awareness, cancer, connection, death, family, God spot, gratitude, meditation, mortality, Nicholas Kristof, wisdom
What I did not write about was the all-too-real end-of-life journey of my earliest childhood friend Marisa, who was courageously facing metastatic cancer while I went about my hypothetical journey.
Tags: connection, contemplation, death, family, friendship, gratitude, happiness, hope, journey, Kate Braestrup, laughter, life, meditation, mortality, One Year to Live, relationships, wisdom, Zen
In the days before class, I found myself going through all of my possessions, clutching photos of family, friends and places, wishing the teacher had asked for 10 things instead of 5. But being the ever-dutiful student, here are the 5 I came up with…
Tags: altar, Buddhism, connection, death, family, happiness, health, impermanence, Insight Meditation Society, life, tree, work
I wanted to ask if she might like to have lunch someday. I felt nervous and 17 again. Thankfully she beat me to it. That’s how I came to be seated in the dining room of her orderly, yet cheerful, northern NJ condo.
Tags: connection, death, dying, Elderhostle, FaceBook, family, friendship, gratitude, high school, hope, journey, New York Times, relationships, teacher, true story, wisdom
Many years ago I worked in a drab office full of cubicles where there were no secrets. One morning my colleague poked her head over the divider to tell me that she was having a visitor later that day — her best friend from college who, she confided, had inoperable brain cancer.
Tags: connection, family, friendship, gratitude, happiness, inspiration, journey, life, love, meaning, stories
When the volunteer coordinator called me, she said she had a woman who was “too mean to die” and that she trusted that I was the right person for her. With that introduction, I left with an open heart and open mind, intending not to judge, but send loving energy to her. She was the most miserable, unlikable, complaining, woman I have met!
Tags: awareness, being present, connection, denial, family, gratitude, hospice, Mary Oliver, mindfulness, mortality, reflection, relationships, suffering, When Death Comes
By the time I was in my mid-twenties, I was so hopelessly addicted to travel that I vowed to combine it with my ideals – vaguely defined as anti-poverty and women’s rights – and somehow cobble together a career out of it. As part of my jobs, I traveled to Bangladesh, Thailand, Kenya, Egypt, Israel, Palestine, Peru. I loved being invited into the lives of locals…
Tags: connection, journey, mortality, reflection, staycation, suffering, work
Here are the words that we have printed out, hung by our desks, posted on sticky notes on our fridges. Thanks to everyone who sent me quotes, poems and sayings that keep them going and provide inspiration in their lives.
Tags: awareness, being present, connection, contemplation, gratitude, journey, laughter, mindfulness, reflection, wisdom