Life Without TV?

An obsession with everything electronic had seeped into our home and claimed hours of our lives. I wanted my husband, my kids and my old self back, and getting rid of the TV was a symbolic step. On the day before Hurricane Sandy’s arrival, my husband, a neighbor and I hoisted our cumbersome 1990’s-era TV […]

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Helping Our Teens (And Ourselves) Thrive

My latest piece is a book review of Brainstorm:  The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain.  I met the author Dr. Dan Siegel a few weeks back and have been putting his “inside-out” tips for helping teens thrive into practice in our home. Dr. Siegel is an expert in the correlation between mindfulness practices […]

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No Girls Allowed

An unsung American hero played on a bittersweet field where the personal intersected sharply with the political. Thanks to her, there are now over 300,000 girls playing Little League. Last week I found myself in a room full of some of the most recognizable trailblazers of the women’s movement for the launch of Makers, a […]

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How Not to Keep Up with the Joneses

How can we instill in our children an appreciation for what they already have — especially when the people around them seem to have just about everything?  Here’s our family’s holiday tip… This fall, my two children moved from a warm and caring New York City public school where a large percentage of the students […]

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