In my work with social justice advocates across the world, I’ve noticed that those who are most passionate and committed approach challenges with a heart of compassion. Which is why I loved writing about Maggie Doyne for Huffington Post this week. Maggie is a 27-year-old woman from NJ who first set off to see the […]
Tags: compassion, empathy, happiness, love, mindfulness, relationships, valentine's day, work
Daniel Goleman says that we don’t have to be stuck running the same neural connections for the rest of our lives just because that’s what we’ve always done. It turns out that we can become better people by reprogramming ourselves — even when time crunch and life pressures have conditioned us to sometimes turn a blind eye.
Tags: benefits of meditation, compassion, Dalai Lama, Daniel Goleman, eliminate stress, emotional intelligence, good Samaritan, happiness, Jon Kabat-Zinn, life, meditation, metta, mindfulness, neuroplasticity, prayer chain, Princeton, Shantideva, Sharon Salzberg, wisdom