People who had substantive discussions with their doctor about their end-of-life preferences were far more likely to die at peace and in control of their situation, and to spare their family anguish. Above all, there are 4 simple questions to talk through with those who are ill…
Tags: Atul Gawande, death, family, life, mortality, New Yorker, palliative care, suffering, wisdom
In the 1940s, Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell — who was credited with founding the Scout Movement — wrote a letter found in his desk drawer after his death. Within it was his now-famous advice to Scouts around the globe: “Try and leave this world a little better than you found it.”
Tags: Ann Dunham, health care, mortality, President Obama, reflection, suffering, wisdom, work
When the volunteer coordinator called me, she said she had a woman who was “too mean to die” and that she trusted that I was the right person for her. With that introduction, I left with an open heart and open mind, intending not to judge, but send loving energy to her. She was the most miserable, unlikable, complaining, woman I have met!
Tags: awareness, being present, connection, denial, family, gratitude, hospice, Mary Oliver, mindfulness, mortality, reflection, relationships, suffering, When Death Comes
By the time I was in my mid-twenties, I was so hopelessly addicted to travel that I vowed to combine it with my ideals – vaguely defined as anti-poverty and women’s rights – and somehow cobble together a career out of it. As part of my jobs, I traveled to Bangladesh, Thailand, Kenya, Egypt, Israel, Palestine, Peru. I loved being invited into the lives of locals…
Tags: connection, journey, mortality, reflection, staycation, suffering, work
If you can spare 15 minutes, take a look at this beautiful video about the organization founded by my teachers — the Zen Center for Contemplative Care.
Tags: awareness, being present, Buddhism, gratitude, mortality, sickness, suffering, wisdom, Zen
Like unexpected money found in last season’s coat pocket, I discovered a scrap of paper in my wallet this morning. It’s a quote I must have torn out of a magazine and tucked away for a rainy day, by Charlotte Joko Beck. On this gray day that’s neither winter nor spring, when my mood seems to match the weather, I’m glad to have found it…
Tags: awareness, being present, breath, Buddhism, Charlotte Joko Beck, hope, mindfulness, mortality, relationships, suffering, wisdom, work, Zen
This essay was written by a 17-year old in 1938. It’s a passionate look at the 5 things the young man wants from life before he dies … Doing something truly great; friendship; travel; love; and — yes — even sorrow.
Tags: contemplation, friendship, love, mortality, relationships, suffering, travel, work
Tonight begins my “Year to Live” journey. Twenty-five of us are assembled in an open loft space in SoHo, sitting on black plastic folding chairs, facing the front of the room.
Tags: Buddhism, contemplation, denial, mindfulness, mortality, reflection, relationships, sickness, suffering, Zen